Monday, November 17, 2008

It is the day before the first leg of our journey. Tomorrow, 11/18/2008, we leave for Cincinnati. We are done packing, and eagerly await departure. We attempt to contain our emotions, but inside my mom and I can't wait for tomorrow. Madagascar is going to be an amazing place. It'll be like a whole different world. We are going during the rainy season, when it rains every day and the lemurs are out. There will be no electricity, or running water in some of the smaller villages, which makes it somewhat scary. Not all of the places we visit will be like that, Antanarivo has over 3,100,000 people, and Tulear and Antanarivo have airports.


jrbuff said...

great to see your so excited i can't stand it...leave thursday am...see you for dinner at 6 in paris...find a great place to eat. love and hugs to mom and keep some for yourself. i am tired. xxxxooo joan

jrbuff said...

friday nite dinner...for got to say that..xxxoo

BT said...

Hi, Nathan,
I am Joan's sister, Barbara, from California wishing you, Fanja, your mom and Joan a safe and wonderfully exciting trip. I will be following yur blog.

Ninny said...

Hi Nathan. I'm so excited to hear about your adventures. You must be in Paris right now. What have you noticed? Does it feel very different than Boulder? Be cool, be calm, be you.
Love, Ninny

jrbuff said...

finalizing packing, leaving bldr at will be great to see you and mom. love jr